Sunday, November 25, 2018

Fast Feet! (8)

Dear Friend,

Have you ever done something that made you stop and say, "Whoa, did I just do that!?" It's difficult to surprise yourself but it does happen. I love those moments, friend. Those are moments that cultivate self pride.

I'm not talking about the kind of pride that ruins everything. I'm talking about the pride that makes your chest swell with self love where there wasn't any before. The kind of pride that acts as an affirmation that yes you CAN do the thing you didn't think you could do. That kind of pride is an emotional, healing sense of pride in yourself. It's a humbling birth of inner strength.

Improving your fitness is hard work. You have to push yourself and challenge your comfort zone. That's scary, friend. I don't know about you but I like my comfort zone.  I have boundaries in my brain that have danger and warning signs all along that imaginary perimeter. What happens when we are brave enough to go beyond those self imposed perimeters? Or better yet what happens when we get distracted and forget those barriers are there at all?

I started taking a new cardio class at the beginning of 2018. It was really hard for me but as the quote says, "if it doesn't challenge you it doesn't change you". The class is a step class called BLAST. I had zero confidence in that class in the beginning. I used the lowest step platform (they come in different heights) and sometimes I would just do the moves on the floor because some of the moves are so fast and complicated that I was afraid I would trip over the step and fall on my face. I usually stood towards the back of the class so that I didn’t  mess anyone else up when I got confused.

The instructors give lots of options for beginners like me. I took this class two days a week, sometimes three when I was feeling energetic, to help improve my stamina and leg strength. All year there was one move that I just couldn't seem to master. It's called fast feet.

I'm not sure how to explain this move, friend, but the move happens to the count of three and it's fast. It involves a flurry of steps with your right and left feet up and over your step then back again. My brain was just too tired after a long day at work to be able to process all the motions while also getting the timing right. I'm sure I was over thinking it because it truly is a simple move its just quick.

Bottom line, I was stuck doing the split walk option while everyone else was flying over their steps with fast feet. They looked so cool and athletic while I felt kind of lame just hopping on one side of my step. We all have to start somewhere, friend!

The other day, I was in class and I was struggling with my monkey mind. You know what that is, right friend? It's when your mind jumps around from one subject to the next overwhelmed because you may have a lot going on in your life at that moment. For example, maybe your Mom volunteered you to host your very first Thanksgiving dinner for nine people when you have never hosted before and you just moved into your place and don't even have enough furniture or dishes for nine let alone know how to cook everything!

*deep breathe...

Anyway, I was lost in my thoughts going through the motions when suddenly I realized I was doing fast feet...

OH MY GOD I'M DOING FAST FEEEEEEEEEETTT!!!!!!!!!!! I'm not going to lie, I got a little choked up but I kept on going. It was thrilling! You should have seen the smile I had on my face. I wanted to scream and dance I was so excited about the fact that I could finally do fast feet! I wanted to wave at the instructor like a little kid and say, "Katie, Look at me!! I'm doing it!!!" I mean it's silly really. I was bound to get it eventually but the joy I felt in that moment was 100% awesome, friend. While my brain was distracted my body got the job done. Don't think about it. Don't stress about it. Just do it! Woot!

We have to be proud of every step forward that we take. Otherwise we'll lose our momentum. Plateaus are infuriating but in those plateaus are small triumphs that should be celebrated. Are you able to recognize those moments in your own wellness journey? I hope so. Do they make you happy? They should! You've been working so hard you deserve that smile on your face, friend. *high five! See you in Blast Class.

XO, Robin

P.S. If you want to learn more about health and wellness check out my Facebook page Oh my Quad!

P.P.S. Thanksgiving was amazing!

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