Dear Friend,
Are you a competitive person? Are you the best at something? Does it make you feel good? What does being the best mean anyway? Why do some people feel driven to be the best? We are all unique individuals so aren't we already the best at being ourselves?
There have been times in my life when people have applauded the things I could do. I even received a a couple standing ovations. That felt amazing and I was grateful for them but it isn't the kind of validation I seek. I would much rather be awesome anonymously. The fulfillment you get from spreading joy covertly is like nothing else I've ever known. To be able to make someone smile or inspire someone without taking credit for it is a kind of satisfaction that can be thrilling, especially when you see the results of your actions. Anonymity is difficult to achieve sometimes but it's a heck of a lot of fun to try.
I like to call them 'special projects'. I know for a fact that I am not the only person in the world who likes to do "special projects'. Have you seen the kindness rocks that people leave around town, friend? I haven't tried that one yet but I love the concept and will paint a few of my own to share soon. I've also seen random sticky notes with kind phrases on them at drive thru windows. Nice! The other day I saw post it notes of encouragement stuck to books in the teen section of my library. Perfect! Anything you can do to have a surprising positive impact on another human being is a step in the right direction.
The best part about becoming a healthy individual is that once you have taken the time to heal yourself you find that you have much more energy, love and kindness to share with the world around you. People are starving for it. The other day I stopped at Home Depot to pick up a couple items I needed. As I walked towards the front door I passed an older lady pushing her carriage. She was slow and slumped with the weight of her world. I have a fondness for elderly people so I smiled a big bright smile at her. She stopped in her tracks and stared at me for a second then smiled back and said, "Wow! What a wonderful greeting!" She stood a little straighter as we passed each other and I could tell that just the act of acknowledging her had improved her day. It surprised me that something so simple could have such an impact on another person. Smiling is easy for me. It's my default setting. It didn't cost me anything or take any effort on my part to smile at her and yet we both received a positive boost from the interaction. To me, encounters like that are the best.
Every stage of our lives we focus on new things. If you are an adult you have survived early childhood development and the teenage years. The twenties are all about leaving the nest, making mistakes and spreading your wings. The thirties might be about building strong roots and foundations of your own. Each decade we learn and experience personal growth. I think that's why I admire senior citizens. They have survived and grown a lot in their lives and have incredible, sometimes surprising, stories to tell.
I hope you know, friend, that being the best has nothing to do with trophies, medals, or standing ovations. Those things are great motivators and milestones but the best has more to do with who you become while striving for those things. Are you the best version of yourself? We focus so strongly at the beginning of the year on our resolutions. The most common is diet and exercise. Eating whole foods and getting to the gym consistently is important but are YOU real and consistent? You may be focusing on improving your muscle strength right now but can people count on your strength of character?
A lot of the worlds religions refer to 'good people' as being like a candle in a dark world. I hope that you are able to nurture your inner light so well this year that instead of being a flickering candle in this dark world you will be a bonfire that lights up your surroundings with warmth and energy. Take a look around you. How can you improve what you see? Are you happy? Are the people around you happy? I hope so, friend! If not, start with little changes or happy surprises. If you are brave enough, try volunteering or helping somehow in your community. When I say community I don't necessarily mean the town you live in. It could refer to any group of people you spend time with. I guarantee you that if you approach an idea or task for spreading kindness with a positive attitude you will feel phenomenal after wards, especially if you can do it anonymously.
I challenge you to be the best human being you can be this year. Do you have a great idea for kindness? Don't wait, Just do it! I hope this post is the lighter fluid you need to get your metaphorical bonfire started.
XO, Robin
P.S. If you liked this post please subscribe to my Blog using the link at the top! If you want to learn more about health and wellness please like my Facebook page Oh my Quad!
I've seen a couple of your posts now and I have to say I'm warming up. I like it. Not everything by any means, but who likes everything? I don't even like all of my own work. I'm extremely competitive, but tempered with the realization that winning truly doesn't matter. As they say, it is more about the journey than the destination. I learned early in life that the only real adversary I have is myself. Everyone else has their own challenges. I wish you well on your own journey.
ReplyDeleteThank you! I wish you all the best.