Saturday, November 10, 2018

Cheat Meals (3)

Dear Friend,

How do you feel about cheat meals? First of all the word cheat is awful. I don't like it. It makes me feel like I'm doing something bad or sneaky. The other issue I have with cheat meals is they tend to derail me. I mean, if you can eat a donut and not have a hot chocolate topped with whipped cream to go with it I bow to your will power. If you can have a vanilla chai and not get the chocolate covered graham crackers that are staring at you from the register, great job! If you can buy a pint of chocolate peanut butter ice cream and not eat the whole thing in one sitting I admire your strength. Ice cream... my weakness.

Thankfully, there are healthier options for us to have as treats. The first thing I had to learn about 'dieting' was to not think of it as 'dieting'. The food we put in our mouths is fuel for the complicated machine that is our body. If you think of it as a diet it becomes restrictive and difficult. That's when food becomes the villain. While struggling with my own food choices I was shocked the first time I heard the term 'cheat meal'. I read about it on line and found there were two camps of thought on this. Some think its a great idea while others say no way.

Here's an interesting article about 'cheat meals' The do's and don'ts of cheat meals, according to nutrition experts

For me, a cheat meal doesn't work. Once I indulge in a cheat meal I start rationalizing cheat snacks, cheat drinks (my favorite drink, at the place that shall not be named, is 450 calories!), and the next thing I know I'm way over my calorie intake for the day and I have to start all over. Cheat meals aren't worth it to me. I would much rather train myself to enjoy the food I'm eating that's healthy for me. I want to break the chain to processed foods and sugar. It's incredibly difficult!! I've messed up a lot but I've also found ways to succeed. I have two words for you... roasted vegetables. This is coming from a human who used to live for meat and potatoes. I rarely ate veggies or fruit. Then I heard a friend talking about how she loves to roast veggies. (Hi Sara!) The first time I roasted a tray of veggies I almost ate the whole tray. Oh my Gawd! They were so gooood! I LOVE vegetables now! Not to mention they were incredibly easy to cook. When I roast veggies their flavor is amazing and you can experiment with herbs and spices. Here's a great little video that helped me out when I was just starting: Roasted Veggies tutorial

Who needs a cheat meal when you can have roasted vegetables instead?! Yes I know that sounds crazy but if I can be converted anyone can. This is why we need each other, friend. I used to hate vegetables. Then I surrounded myself with people who helped me change my perspective about veggies. It's made a big difference to my health, that's for sure. I still have hiccups, otherwise known as Reeses peanut butter cups, but I'm getting better every day, friend. Thank you for your support :).

XO, Robin

p.s. want to learn more about health and wellness? visit my Facebook page Oh my Quad!

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