Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Self Love (2)

Dear Friend,

Why am I so hard on myself? I'm critical of every flaw and failure. I give all my love and kindness away to other people and don't keep any for myself. I look in the mirror and sigh with disappointment. I plan my meals and calculate my macros. I step on the scale and want to cry. I take my measurements and cringe as I write the numbers. I'm surrounded by numbers. When did I start defining myself by numbers? How did this happen? I'm so much more valuable than a number and I hope you know that are you too, friend. Self love is just as important as nutrition and exercise.

Love is a four letter word but it holds the universe in its definition. It means something different to each and every person. It is a powerful word that represents an even more powerful emotion. I was raised with the understanding that love, real love, is patient. Love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Real love never fails.

In our rushed and frenzied lives how often do we forget to 'just love' ourselves?  It's easy once you commit to the idea of letting go of everything that doesn't fit the definition of love. Let go of your preconceived ideas of how you, and the people around you, should behave. Don't lower your standards JUST LOVE yourself through all your highs and lows. We all make mistakes and bad choices. You'll be amazed at how freeing it is to accept people for who they are not what you want them to be, yourself included. Everyone is struggling with something. Think about how you talk to yourself. Are you loving and patient? Do you encourage yourself or tell yourself you're doing well? If you are that's fantastic! I'm so proud of you! If you aren't, give it a try. It could make all the difference between quitting and succeeding.

I saw this video the other day about two plants; one that was bullied and one that was encouraged. The results they shared after thirty days were an ah ha moment for me. You can watch the video and read about the experiment here: IKEA Plant experiment

Imagine how much happier we would be if kindness and encouragement started from within. Check in with your inner monologue, Are you kind to yourself? Do you know how to be kind to yourself? Need some ideas to get you started? check out this list: 40 ways to practice self kindness or make your own and start today.

We have seen what a difference hearing loving words can make to a plant. Think of how it could affect a human being like you, friend. Take a deep breath. You really are doing a great job!

XO, Robin

p.s. want to learn more about health and wellness? Visit my Facebook page Oh my Quad!


  1. Wise words and wise advice to follow! Thank you for your positivity and your enthusiasm for sharing, Robin.

  2. Thank you for taking the time to read my ramblings! I appreciate your comment :)


Thank you for taking the time to read my ramblings! I appreciate your comments