Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Don't Quit! (24)

Dear friend,

Do you struggle with patience? I used to think I was a patient person. However, every year I grow older I am proven wrong. Lately, I am easily frustrated and discouraged with myself. Maybe that's the key word here. I get discouraged with myself.  I have trouble giving myself the time I need to change, adjust or adapt. I am a Capricorn so if you believe in that stuff (I don't really but the character profile can be fairly accurate) you'll understand that I have high expectations. I defend myself by saying it isn't true. However, I'm wrong. I do have high expectations, friend, for myself. I find myself falling short of them constantly.

It's not fair to expect myself to meet my goals in the snap of my fingers. I get grand ideas and then feel let down by myself when I can't reach them by the end of the day or week. How did I get to be this way? My fitness goals are still a long way away. I was morbidly obese when I started this journey. I spent years damaging and neglecting my body. It's unrealistic of me to think that I could have my ideal body in two years.

Lately, I've been drifting. I do that sometimes when things don't work out the way I'd like them too. I find myself adrift and wondering what I should do next. I usually get tired and down because my original goal will be delayed. I tend to beat myself up, not with negative thinking but just by being discouraged. I forget how hard I've worked to get where I am. Rome wasn't built in a day, right friend?

I never quit during these times. If you quit you'll never reach your goal. I just keep putting one foot in front of the other. My weight (whatever that may symbolize in our lives) may get heavy at times but I keep moving forward. I can get so wrapped up in the struggle that I forget I'm still in the race. I switch to auto pilot and just go through the motions. Remember, even turtles eventually cross the finish line.

Then something happens. I have a day like today when everything clicks and I feel AMAZING!! Please listen to the voice memo I recorded after my workout. I hope this works...

Trials come along to test our commitment to our goals. Friend, if you want something bad enough you have to keep working until you get it. Don't quit when you feel tired or discouraged. Keep going! You could be one step away from reaching your goal. How do you know unless you take that step. Getting healthy is a struggle in today's world. We are constantly bombarded with misinformation, fast and cheap foods, pills that promise miracles. The truth is anything worth having is never quick and easy. Keep working, Keep pushing, Keep going. Never give up!

XO, Robin

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