Tuesday, March 12, 2019

Water is Life (23)

Dear Friend,

Have you noticed how bonkers the serving sizes are lately? How did we get to this point, friend?  Beverages are even worse! Most places serve an eight ounce drink as their small or child size. When did it become normal to order a venti (20 ounces), trenti (30 ounces), extreme gulp (52 ounces), or a team gulp! (literally a gallon of liquid). Have you been to the movies recently? I saw a guy get a large soda. The kid taking his order put a bucket of liquid on the counter.  The man who ordered it was at least six feet tall and he had to use both hands to carry the soda. Did you know the bladder of a healthy adult can only hold about 16 ounces of liquid and your urge to go to the bathroom happens with as few as 5 ounces of urine?

Consider your favorite drink, friend. How many calories are in it? How much sugar or other chemicals? If you are trying to lose weight like me try replacing the higher calorie drinks with water. Ease into it if you have to. Add lemon or lime or fresh fruit to give it some flavor. Cucumbers or mint are a great flavor add in too. I'm someone who happens to like water but I know a few people who can't stand it. The good news is there are other sources of water. Coffee and Tea are made using water. The food you eat is also a great source of water! Think Cucumbers, watermelons, celery, zucchini and soups! We actually get about 20% of our needed daily intake from the foods we eat.

Water is so important to our health. However, be skeptical of bottled waters that claim to be 'extra healthy' for you. They may be hiding added sugars or unnecessary ingredients all while taking money away from you when you can get water for free at home. Beware!

How much water should I drink? This is an interesting question, friend. I always thought if you drank eight glasses a day you were on point. However, there are a few other factors such as weight, activity level and gender that can all play a part in how much water you should be drinking. There are lots of online calculators out there to help you figure out an approximate amount but I'm not sure I believe them. The best way to know if you are sufficiently hydrated is to simply look at the color of your urine. (Sorry I know this is a gross topic but we're all adults here and hydration is vital to our health) If your urine is clear or light yellow, well done! You are taking in the right amount of water. If your urine is darker in color it's time for some water.

Friend, don't underestimate the value of water. It has so many health benefits for your body. Nearly all of the major systems in your body depend on water including our largest organ, skin. Water regulates body temperature, helps prevent constipation, relieves headaches, lubricates joints, lessens the burden on kidneys and liver by flushing out toxic waste products and it helps to dissolve minerals and nutrients from our food to make them more accessible to our bodies. Water is life.

How much water have you had today? If you drink enough water I am so proud of you, friend! I have many friends who don't drink water and they have suffered the consequences with adverse health effects. Consider making water a higher priority to your health and wellness. The first thing I do in the morning is drink a glass of water. It helps to wake me up! It may surprise you how much better you will feel when you are hydrated.

XO, Robin

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