Thursday, February 14, 2019

Stress & Anxiety (22)

Dear friend,

Have you ever felt overwhelmed? There are days when I have trouble living up to my potential because I'm weighed down with the list in my head. I mentally make the list, worry about the list and struggle to complete the list. I become fatigued simply thinking about this imaginary list. My body reacts with various symptoms like headache, sore muscles, increased blood pressure and stress. If I can't complete everything on my list I get mad at myself or worse, disappointed in myself. Yikes! That's a lot of unnecessary pressure. Friend, if you do this too let's take a moment to mentally crumple that list and file it in the circular file or square file. (whatever shape your garbage can happens to be, *wink)

I'm not suggesting we avoid doing our chores and stop acting like responsible adults. I'm simply saying lets stop stressing ourselves out. There are enough real problems in our lives to have to deal with made up ones too. What's that old saying? Don't make a mountain out of a mole hill.

I recently had someone very dear to me crumble under the weight of anxiety. It was shocking to me because I am used to seeing this person as a capable pillar of strength. This person is always the first person to act and resolve 'problems'. They seem to know what to do in every situation and taught me by example to stand up straight and 'get the job done'.  This person has had a lot of responsibility throughout their life. Recently, they suffered from what they called nervous exhaustion. They had worried themselves into a corner and couldn't get out. One look at them and you could tell something was wrong. They looked grey and utterly worn out. They stumbled when they walked because they felt weak. They had a headache and their blood pressure was all over the place. They couldn't sleep very well and they couldn't eat because of nausea. Clearly, based on this person's circumstances, it was anxiety. Anxiety symptoms, Signs and Treatments

The only thing that can be done in these situations, if you are able, is to reassure them, love them, cook for them and hug it out because they need your strength and patience until they can get themselves back together. They need to be reminded that they aren't alone.

Have you ever noticed, friend, that we tend to take shallow breaths when we get stressed out or anxious? Next time you feel all balled up stop and be mindful of your breathing. You'd be surprised how much taking a slow deep breath can improve your wellness and clear your head. Do it more than once. Inhale as much oxygen as your lungs can hold. It feels like your belly is expanding too. Fill up all the spaces then let it out. In with the good, out with the bad. Try it now, friend. Focus on one word to clear your head; Love, patience, strength, or kindness, for example, or any word or phrase that helps you. This is a great article and podcast from NPR about the positive physical benefits of deep breathing Just Breathe.

We all get stressed out, friend. We all have days when it feels like nothing is going right or the world is out to get us. It's hard to think straight when we are constantly connected to devices and our brains are spiraling out of control. Please know that you are never alone. Others have felt the way you are feeling too. There are things you can do to improve your symptoms of stress and anxiety. Start simply by taking a deep breath. When you begin to feel better seek help from someone you are comfortable talking to. Therapy is a great way to relieve the pressure valve in your brain if you don't have a trusted confidant in your life. Don't forget that proper nutrition and sleep can help ease the storm of hormones from running amok in our bodies and exercise is a great stress reliever. Yay Endorphins!

Both Men and Women can suffer from stress and anxiety, friend. We all get overwhelmed at times. It's okay. Be kind to yourself. You can't do everything on your list all at once. Take one thing at a time and breathe.

XO, Robin

P.S. If you liked this post please subscribe to my Blog using the link at the top! If you want to learn more about health and wellness please like my Facebook page Oh my Quad!

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